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First 1678 results for ” F Chauvin”

  1. The Challenge to Increase the Perfomance of an AWS

    JP van der Meulen | Journal: Proceedings of the 4th ICEAWS, Lisboa, 24-26 May 2 | Year: 2007


  2. Characterisation and assimilation of ERS scatterometer measurements

    A Stoffelen, D Anderson, C Gaffard | Conference: First ERS-1 Pilot Project Workshop | Place: Toledo, Spain | Year: 1994 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  3. Characterisation and assimilation of ERS-1 scatterometer measurements

    A Stoffelen, D Anderson, C Gaffard | Conference: Second Euro-Latin American Space Days | Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina | Year: 1994 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  4. Characterisation and assimilation of ERS1 scatterometer measurements

    A Stoffelen, D Anderson, C Gaffard | Conference: first ERS1 Pilot Project Workshop | Organisation: ESA/ESTEC | Place: Toledo, Spain | Year: 1994 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  5. Arctic climate change and decadal variability

    EC van der Linden | University: Wageningen University | Year: 2016
