Anthropogenic Influence on the 2018 Summer Warm Spell in Europe: The Impact of Different Spatio-Temporal Scales
We demonstrate that, in attribution studies, events defined over longer time scales generally pro...
NJ Leach, S Li, S Sparrow, GJ van Oldenborgh, FC Lott, A Weisheimer, MR Allen | Status: published | Journal: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | Volume: 101 | Year: 2020 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0201.1
Standardization of data and methods for calculating daily Tmean, Tn and Tx in the Netherlands for the 1901-1970 period
The quality of meteorological measurements deserves continuous attention. KNMI therefore follows ...
Theo Brandsma, Rudmer Jilderda and Rob Sluijter | Year: 2013 | Pages: 48
Turbulent air flow over sea waves; simplified model for applications
A simplified model of the air flow over surface water waves propagating at arbitrary phase veloci...
V.N. Kudryavtsev, V.K. Makin and J.F. Merink | Year: 1999 | Pages: 39
Shallow crustal imaging using distant, high-magnitude earthquakes
Global phases, viz. seismic phases that travel through the Earth’s core, can be used to locally i...
Johno van IJsseldijk, Elmer Ruigrok, Arie Verdel, Cornelis Weemstra | Journal: Geophysical Journal International | Volume: 219 | Year: 2019 | First page: 1082 | Last page: 1091 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/gji/ggz343
Hypocenter uncertainty analysis of induced and tectonic earthquakes in the Netherlands
Induced earthquakes tend to be shallow, while tectonic events often occur in deeper parts of the ...
Jesper Spetzler, Elmer Ruigrok and Dagmar Bouwman | Journal: Journal of Seismology | Volume: 28 | Year: 2024 | First page: 555 | Last page: 577 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10950-024-10205-8