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First 1685 results for ” Simone Libralato”

  1. EARLINET: 12-year of Aerosol Profiling over Europe

    EARLINET has been collecting high quality aerosol optical profiles over Europe since 2000. The co...

    L Mona, L Alados-Arboledas, V Amiridis, A Amodeo, A Apituley, D Balis, M Iarlori, D Nicolae, A Pappayannis, MR Perrone, V Rizi, U Wandinger | Conference: ILRC27 | Place: New York, New York | Year: 2015 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  2. The Earth Explorer Mission Aeolus for atmospheric wind observations – Final Report from the Aeolus Data Innovation and Science Cluster DISC of Phase E

    Launched in August 2018, ESA’s Earth Explorer mission Aeolus was the first to measure atmospheric...

    Oliver Reitebuch, Isabell Krisch, Christian Lemmerz, Oliver Lux, Karsten Schmidt, Benjamin Witschas, Uwe Marksteiner, Michael Rennie, Ines Nikolaus, Frédéric Fabre, Dimitri Trapon, Alain Dabas, Dave Donovan, Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff, Ping Wang, Gert-Jan Marseille, Arie Kuijt, Filippo Tagliacarne, Gaetan Perron, Dorit Huber, Markus Meringer, Katja Reissig, Jos de Kloe, Massimo Cardaci, Giacomo Gostinicchi, Will McLean, Karen Henry, Angela Benedetti, Sebastian Bley, Ad Stoffelen, Paola Sabbatini, Jean-François Mahfouf, Vivien Pourret | Year: 2024


  3. Investigation of Representativeness of Calipso Aerosol Optical Properties Products by EARLINET Correlative Measurements

    The almost six-years long database of aerosol and cloud vertical profiles provided by CALIPSO (Cl...

    L Mona, A Hiebsch, U Wandinger, A Apituley, L Alados Arbroledas, A Comeron, D Balis, V Freudenthaler, A Pappayannis, G Pappalardo | Conference: 26th International Laser Radar Conference | Place: Porto Heli, Greece | Year: 2012 | First page: 717 | Last page: 720


  4. TROPOSAT, The Use and Usability of Satellite Data for tropospheric research

    U Platt, JP Burrows, P Borell, M Dameris, APH Goede, H Kelder, PS Monks, A Richter, HGJ Smit, T Wagner | Conference: ERS-ENVISAT symposium, Looking down to Earth in the new Millenium | Organisation: ESA, ESA Publication, SP-461, 184 | Place: Gothenburg | Year: 2000 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  5. How to utilise the knowledge of causal responses?

    Our physical and physiological theory provides causal explanations of various phenomena in forest...

    P Hari, M Havimo, HS Helmisaari, L Kulmala, E Nikinmaa, T Vesala, J Räisänen, T Petäjä, E Siivola, H Tuomenvirta, J Bäck, J Grace, F Magnani, T van Noije, J Pumpanen, D Stevenson, M Kulmala, S Smolander, I Riipinen, M Dal Maso | Year: 2013
