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First 815 results for ” Ancellet”

  1. Relative drifts and stability of satellite and ground-based stratospheric ozone profiles at NDACC lidar stations

    The long-term evolution of stratospheric ozone at different stations in the low and mid-latitudes...

    PJ Nair, S Godin-Beekmann, L Froidevaux, LE Flynn, JM Zawodny, JM Russell, A Pazmino, G Ancellet, W Steinbrecht, H Claude, T Leblanc, IS McDermid, JAE van Gijsel, B Johnson, A Thomas | Status: published | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 5 | Year: 2012 | First page: 1301 | Last page: 1318 | doi: 10.5194/amt-5-1301-2012


  2. Combined UV and IR ozone profile retrieval from TROPOMI and CrIS measurements

    Vertical ozone profiles from combined spectral measurements in the ultraviolet and infrared spect...

    Mettig, N., Weber, M., Rozanov, A., Burrows, J. P., Veefkind, P., Thompson, A. M., Stauffer, R. M., Leblanc, T., Ancellet, G., Newchurch, M. J., Kuang, S., Kivi, R., Tully, M. B., Van Malderen, R., Piters, A., Kois, B., Stübi, R., and Skrivankova, P. | Journal: Atmos. Meas. Tech. | Volume: 15 | Year: 2022 | First page: 2955 | Last page: 2978 | doi: 10.5194/amt-15-2955-2022


  3. Atmospheric composition of West Africa: highlights from the AMMA international program

    CH Mari, CE Reeves, K.S. Law, G Ancellet, M Dolores Andres-Hernandez, B Barret, J. Bechara, A. Borbon, I Bouarar, F. Cairo, R. Commane, C Delon, M.J. Evans, F. Fierli, C Floquet, C. Galy-Laxaux, DE Heard, C.D. Homan, T. Ingham, N Larsen, A.C. Lewis, C. Liousse, JG Murhpy, E. Orlandi, D.E. Oram, M Saunois, D. Serca, DJ Stewart, D. Stone, V. Thouret, PFJ van Velthoven, J Williams | Status: accepted | Journal: Atmos. Sci. Lett. | Year: 2010 | doi: doi: 10.1002/asl.289


  4. Deriving attitude and ephemeris data: GBAD versus OMI ancillary data

    JJ Claas | Year: 2008 | Pages: 0


  5. OMI Validation Needs for the 2006 INTEX-B Campaign, Houston, Hawaii, Anchorage, Seattle

    M Kroon, RD McPeters, EJ Brinksma | Year: 2006
