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First 102 results for ” David N.”

  1. Detection of aerosol and cloud features for the EarthCARE atmospheric lidar (ATLID): the ATLID FeatureMask (A-FM) product

    The EarthCARE satellite mission's objective is to retrieve profiles of aerosol and cloud physical...

    Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff; David P. Donovan; Ping Wang | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 16 | Year: 2023 | First page: 3631 | Last page: 3651 | doi: 10.5194/amt-16-3631-2023


  2. Cloud top heights and aerosol layer properties from EarthCARE lidar observations: the A-CTH and A-ALD products

    The high-spectral-resolution Atmospheric Lidar (ATLID) on the Earth Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation ...

    Ulla Wandinger; Moritz Haarig; Holger Baars; David Donovan; Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 16 | Year: 2023 | First page: 4031 | Last page: 4052 | doi: 10.5194/amt-16-4031-2023


  3. The generation of EarthCARE L1 test data sets using atmospheric model data sets

    The Earth Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation Explorer mission (EarthCARE) is a multi-instrument cloud–a...

    David P Donovan, Pavlos Kollias, Almudena Velázquez Blázquez, Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 16 | Year: 2023 | First page: 5327 | Last page: 5356 | doi: 10.5194/amt-16-5327-2023


  4. Ocean bottom seismometer clock correction using ambient seismic noise

    Ocean-bottom seismometers (OBSs) are equipped with seismic sensors that record acoustic and seism...

    David Naranjo, Laura Parisi, Sigurjón Jónsson, Philippe Jousset, Dieter Werthmüller, Cornelis Weemstra | Journal: Seismica | Volume: 3 | Year: 2024 | doi: 10.26443/seismica.v3i1.367


  5. Precipitation Extremes and Water Vapor: Relationships in Current Climate and Implications for Climate Change.

    Purpose of Review: Review our current understanding of how precipitation is related to its thermo...

    J. David Neelin· Cristian Martinez-Villalobos · Samuel N. Stechmann· Fiaz Ahmed · Gang Chen · Jesse M. Norris · Yi-Hung Kuo · Geert Lenderink | Journal: Curr Clim Change Rep | Volume: 8 | Year: 2022 | First page: 17 | Last page: 33 | doi: 10.1007/s40641-021-00177-z
