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First 87 results for ” F Waquet”

  1. Comparison of south Atlantic aerosol direct radiative effect over clouds from SCIAMACHY, POLDER and OMI/MODIS

    . The direct radiative effect (DRE) of aerosols above clouds has been found to be significant ove...

    M de Graaf, R Schulte, F Peers, F Waquet, LG Tilstra, P Stammes | Status: published | Journal: Atm. Chem. Phys. | Volume: 20 | Year: 2020 | First page: 6707 | Last page: 6723 | doi:


  2. Comparison of south-east Atlantic aerosol direct radiative effect over clouds from SCIAMACHY, POLDER and OMI–MODIS

    The direct radiative effect (DRE) of aerosols above clouds has been found to be significant over ...

    M. de Graaf, R. Schulte, F. Peers, F. Waquet, L.G. Tilstra, P. Stammes | Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | Volume: 20 | Year: 2020 | doi:


  3. The performance of drag relations in the WAQUA storm surge model

    The performance of drag relations in the WAQUA storm surge model

    J.R.N. Onvlee | Year: 1993 | Pages: 26


  4. Verification of the WAQUA/CSM-16 model for the winters 1992-93 and 1993-94

    Verification of the WAQUA/CSM-16 model for the winters 1992-93 and 1993-94 

    J.W. de Vries | Year: 1995 | Pages: 29


  5. The implementation of the WAQUA/CSM-16 model for real time storm surge forecasting

    The implementation of the WAQUA/CSM-16 model for real time storm surge forecasting

    J.W. de Vries | Year: 1991 | Pages: 39
