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First 1036 results for ” H Renssen”

  1. Could meltwater pulses have been sneaked unnoticed into the deep ocean during the last glacial?

    DM Roche, H Renssen, SL Weber, H Goosse | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 34 | Year: 2007 | doi: 10.1029/2007GL032064


  2. Climate of the Last Glacial Maximum: sensitivity studies amd model-data comparison with the LOVECLIM coupled model

    DM Roche, TM Dokken, H Goosse, H Renssen, SL Weber | Status: published | Journal: Climate of the Past | Volume: 3 | Year: 2007 | First page: 205 | Last page: 224


  3. Potential causes of abrupt climate events: A numerical study with a three-dimensional climate model

    A multi-millennia simulation performed with a three-dimensional climate model under constant forc...

    H Goosse, H Renssen, FM Selten, RJ Haarsma, JD Opsteegh | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 29 | Year: 2002 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0 | doi: 10.1029/2002GL014993


  4. Recent developments in Holocene climate modelling

    H Renssen, P Braconnot, SFB Tett, H Von Storch, SL Weber | Journal: Past climate variability through Europe and Africa | Year: 2004


  5. Een objektieve methode voor onweersvoorspellingen

    Een objektieve methode voor onweersvoorspellingen 

    A. W. Hanssen | Year: 1962 | Pages: 25
