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First 852 results for ” Holger”

  1. Cloud top heights and aerosol layer properties from EarthCARE lidar observations: the A-CTH and A-ALD products

    The high-spectral-resolution Atmospheric Lidar (ATLID) on the Earth Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation ...

    Ulla Wandinger; Moritz Haarig; Holger Baars; David Donovan; Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 16 | Year: 2023 | First page: 4031 | Last page: 4052 | doi: 10.5194/amt-16-4031-2023


  2. Extending the Calibration Traceability of Longwave Radiation Time-Series (ExTrac)

    Pyrgeometers are used to measure longwave radiation at the Earth’s surface that has been identifi...

    Stephan Nyeki, Julian Gröbner, Laurent Vuilleumier, Christian Lanconelli, Amelie Driemel, Wouter Knap, Marion Maturilli, Nozomu Ohkawara, Laura Riihimaki, and Holger Schmithüsen | Year: 2023


  3. Klimaateffectschetsboek Zuid-Holland

    Klimaatschetsboek met als bijdrage van het KNMI informatie over ruimtelijke patronen van klimaatv...

    J Bessembinder, et al. | Year: 2007


  4. Concentration of air polution in Europe, made in Holland

    RJ van der A, F Boersma, G de Leeuw, R Schoemaker | Journal: Land + Water Internationaal | Year: 2005 | First page: 18 | Last page: 19


  5. Recent developments in Holocene climate modelling

    H Renssen, P Braconnot, SFB Tett, H Von Storch, SL Weber | Journal: Past climate variability through Europe and Africa | Year: 2004
