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First 2097 results for ” Melanie S.; Levelt”

  1. Global fine-scale changes in ambient NO2 during COVID-19 lockdowns

    Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is an important contributor to air pollution and can adversely affect huma...

    Cooper, Matthew J.; Martin, Randall V.; Hammer, Melanie S.; Levelt, Pieternel F.; Veefkind, Pepijn; Lamsal, Lok N.; Krotkov, Nickolay A.; Brook, Jeffrey R.; McLinden, Chris A. | Journal: Nature | Year: 2022 | doi:


  2. Polar mesospheric clouds (PMCs) observed by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on Aura

    MT DeLand, EP Shettle, PF Levelt, MG Kowalewski | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 115 | Year: 2010 | First page: D21301 | doi: 10.1029/2009JD013685.


  3. Antarctic contribution to future sea level from ice shelf basal melt as constrained by ice discharge observations

    Antarctic mass loss is the largest contributor to uncertainties in sea level projections on cente...

    Eveline C. van der Linden, Dewi Le Bars, Erwin Lambert, and Sybren Drijfhout | Journal: The Cryosphere | Volume: 17 | Year: 2023 | First page: 79 | Last page: 103 | doi: 10.5194/tc-17-79-2023


  4. Climate scenarios of sea level rise for the northeast Atlantic Ocean: a study including the effects of ocean dynamics and gravity changes induced by ice melt

    CA Katsman, W Hazeleger, SS Drijfhout, GJ van Oldenborgh, GJH Burgers | Status: published | Journal: Climatic Change | Year: 2008 | doi: 10.1007/s10584-008-9442-9


  5. Het Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI): Wereldwijde metingen ten behoeve van het ozon- en klimaatonderzoek

    PF Levelt | Journal: BCRS Remote Sensing Nieuwsbrief | Year: 2000 | First page: 73 | Last page: 75
