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First 414 results for ” R Romera”

  1. Simulation of medicanes over the Mediterranean Sea in a regional climate model ensemble: impact of ocean–atmosphere coupling and increased resolution

    Medicanes are cyclones over the Mediterranean Sea having a tropical-like structure but a rather s...

    MA Gaertner, JJ González-Alemán, R Romera, E van Meijgaard, + 15 other Co-Authors | Status: published | Journal: Clim. Dyn. | Year: 2016 | doi: 10.1007/s00382-016-3456-1


  2. . A Relation between Extreme Daily Precipitation and Extreme Short Term Precipitation

    The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) has published the KNMI’06 climate scenarios...

    YL Romero, J Bessembinder, NC van de Giesen, FHM van de Ven | Status: accepted | Journal: Climatic Change | Year: 2011


  3. The impact of climate change on photovoltaic power generation in Europe

    Ambitious climate change mitigation plans call for a significant increase in the use of renewable...

    S Jerez, I Tobin, R Vautard, JP Montávez, JM López-Romero, F Thais, B Bartok, OB Christensen, A Colette, M Déqué, G Nikulin, S Kotlarski, E van Meijgaard, C Teichmann, M Wild | Status: published | Journal: Nature Communications | Volume: 6 | Year: 2015 | doi: 10.1038/ncomms10014


  4. How to measure ecosystem stability? An evaluation of the reliability of stability metrics based on remote sensing time series across the major global ecosystems

    Abstract Increasing frequency of extreme climate events is likely to impose increased stress on e...

    W De Keersemaecker, S Lhermitte, O Honnay, J Farifteh, B Somers, P Coppin | Status: accepted | Journal: Global Change Biology | Year: 2013 | doi: 10.1111/gcb.12495


  5. Timescales and structures in vertical transport in the atmospheric boundary layer

    A combination of high frequency measurements from the Cabauw measurement site and LES results is ...

    Jerome Schalkwijk, Fred Bosveld and Pier Siebesma | Year: 2010 | Pages: 65
