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First 3029 results for ”A Manders”

  1. Handmatig aanpassen van een numerieke weersanalyse II

    Numerieke weersvoorspellingen worden steeds beter. Desondanks blijft het nodig dat deze voorspell...

    AMM Manders | Journal: Meteorologica | Year: 2006


  2. Climate Variability and Predictability Research in Europe

    D Anderson | Year: 1998


  3. Automatic curve extraction for digitizing rainfall strip charts

    A method has been developed that largely automates the labor-intensive extraction work for large ...

    HE van Piggelen, T Brandsma, H Manders, JF Lichtenauer | Status: published | Journal: J. Atm. Oceanic Technol. | Volume: 28 | Year: 2011 | First page: 891 | Last page: 906 | doi: 10.1175/2011JTECHA1505.1


  4. Coupling of the air quality model LOTOS-EUROS to the climate model RACMO

    Ozone and particulate matter have an adverse impact on the health of humans and other organisms. ...

    A Manders, B van Ulft, E van Meijgaard, M Schaap | Year: 2011


  5. Modification of a weather analysis and its effect on the forecast

    Water vapour (WV) radiance mesasurements from satellites can give valuable information on the sta...

    AMM Manders, WTM Verkley, AR Moene, JJ Diepeveen | Year: 2006
