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First 1150 results for ”Haider Ali  ”

  1. Towards Quantifying the Uncertainty in Estimating Observed Scaling Rates

    Short-duration precipitation extremes (PE) increase at a rate of around 7%/K explained by the Cla...

    Haider Ali  , Hayley J. Fowler , David Pritchard, Geert Lenderink , Stephen Blenkinsop, and Elizabeth Lewis | Journal: Geophysical Research Letters | Year: 2022 | doi: 10.1029/2022GL099138


  2. Co-alignment of OMI channels

    GHJ van den Oord | Year: 2002


  3. Development of a Hail-Detection-Product

    I Holleman, HRA Wessels, JRA Onvlee, SJM Barlag | Status: published | Journal: Phys. Chem. Earth | Volume: 25 | Year: 2000 | First page: 1293 | Last page: 1297


  4. A long-term study of sea-breezes in a Mediterranean coastal site: Alicante (Spain)

    C Azorin-Molina, D Chen, ABC Tijm, M Baldi | Status: accepted | Journal: Int. J. Climatology | Year: 2009 | doi: 10.1002/joc.2064


  5. A multi-year study of sea breezes in a Mediterranean coastal site: Alicante (Spain).

    Using 6-year data collected in a high-resolution network of 19 stations in the province of Alican...

    C Azorin-Molina, D Chen, S Tijm, M Baldi | Status: accepted | Journal: Int. J. Climatology | Year: 2009 | doi: 10.1002/joc.2064
