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First 27 results for ”MS Dhadly”

  1. Oscillations in Neutral Winds Observed by GOCE

    This study explores intra‐annual oscillations (IAOs) in upper thermospheric winds using GOCE cros...

    MS Dhadly, JT Emmert, M Jones, EN Doornbos, KA Zawdie, DP Drob, M Conde | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 47 | Year: 2020 | doi: 10.1029/2020GL089339


  2. HL-TWiM empirical model of high-latitude upper thermospheric winds

    MS Dhadly, JT Emmert, DP Drob, MG Conde, A Aruliah, EN Doornbos, GG Shepherd, Q Wu, JJ Makela, RJ Niciejewski, C Lee, G Lee, AJ Ridley | Status: accepted | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Year: 2019 | doi: 10.1029/2019JA027188


  3. Projected drought severity changes in Southeast Asia under medium and extreme climate change

    The El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is the main driver of seasonal conditions in the Southeas...

    Mugni Hadi Hariadi | Year: 2017 | Pages: 41


  4. Towards monitoring the englacial fracture state using virtual-reflector seismology

    In seismology, coda wave interferometry (CWI) is an effective tool to monitor time-lapse changes ...

    F Lindner, C Weemstra, F Walter, C Hadziioannou | Journal: Geophysical Journal International | Volume: 214 | Year: 2018 | First page: 825 | Last page: 844 | doi:


  5. Assessing long-term spatio-temporal variability in humidity and drought in Iran using Pedj Drought Index (PDI)

    Although drought is a normal feature of climate, there is confusion about its characteristics in ...

    A. Lashkari, M. Irannezhad, H. Zare, L. D. Labzovskii | Journal: Journal of Arid Environments | Year: 2021 | doi:
