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First 255 results for ”Trigo”

  1. Perturbations that optimally trigger weather regimes

    J Oortwijn, J Barkmeijer | Status: published | Journal: J. Atmos. Sci. | Year: 1995 | First page: 3932 | Last page: 3944


  2. How to discriminate induced, triggered and natural seismicity

    T Dahm, S Hainzl, D Becker, M Bischoff, S Ceska, B Dost, R Fritschen, D Kuhn, S Lasocki, CD Klose, T Meier, M Ohrnberger, E Rivalta, S Shapiro, U Wegler | Conference: EGCS workshop on Induced Seismicity | Organisation: ECGS | Place: Luxemburg | Year: 2010 | First page: 69 | Last page: 76


  3. Action-based flood forecasting for triggering humanitarian action

    Too often, credible scientific early warning information of increased disaster risk does not resu...

    E Coughlan de Perez, BJJM van den Hurk, MK van Aalst, I Amuron, D Bamanya, T Hauser, B Jongman, A Lopez, S Mason, J Mendler de Suarez, F Pappenberger, A Rueth, E Stephens, P Suarez, J Wagemaker | Status: published | Journal: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences | Year: 2016 | doi: 10.5194/hess-2016-163


  4. Evaluation of a new trigger function for cumulus convection

    Cumulus convection plays a major role in the vertical transport of heat, moisture, momentum and c...

    MJ de Haij | Year: 2005 | Pages: 117


  5. Preface to the special issue -Triggered and induced seismicity: probalities aand discrimination-

    S Cesca, B Dost, A Oth | Status: published | Journal: J. Seism. | Year: 2012 | doi: 10.1007/s10950-012-9338-z
