High impact events like Hurricane Sandy (2012) significantly affect society and decision-making a...
Recent impactful hydrometeorological events, on both the extreme wet and dry side of the spectrum...
Alongside mean increases in poleward moisture transport (PMT) to the Arctic, most climate models ...
Large-ensemble modelling has become an increasingly popular approach to studying the mean climate...
The UK has experienced recurring hydrological droughts in the past and their frequency and severi...
The frequency of heatwaves, droughts and their co-occurrence vary greatly in simulations of diffe...
While soybeans are among the most consumed crops in the world, most of its production lies in the...
Climate change has a large influence on the occurrence of extreme hydrological events. However, r...
Wildfires are recurrent natural hazards that affect terrestrial ecosystems, the carbon cycle, cli...
Regional climate projections indicate that European summer precipitation may change considerably ...
With the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the coming decades will see a transition of Eur...
Climate change poses complex impacts on the global wheat supply and demand chain. The impacts of ...
Energy system models underpin decisions by energy system planners and operators. Energy system mo...
Extreme climate events, such as droughts and heatwaves, can have large impacts on the environment...
There is considerable uncertainty surrounding future changes in tropical cyclone (TC) frequency a...
Modeling dependencies between climate extremes is important for climate risk assessment, for inst...
The frequency and severity of droughts and heatwaves are projected to increase under global warmi...
Large-ensemble climate model simulations can provide deeper understanding of the characteristics ...
Unfavourable weather is a common cause for crop failures all over the world. Whilst extreme weath...
Compound weather and climate events are combinations of climate drivers and/or hazards that contr...
Persistent hot–dry or cold–wet summer weather can have significant impacts on agriculture, health...
The last few years have seen an explosion of interest in extreme event attribution, the science o...
Hydrological extremes affect societies and ecosystems around the world in many ways, stressing th...
Compound weather events may lead to extreme impacts that can affect many aspects of society inclu...
Natural disasters in High Mountain Asia (HMA) are largely induced by precipitation and temperatur...