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First 752 results for ” TJ Moser”

  1. Modeling and simulating spatial extremes by combining extreme value theory with generative adversarial networks

    Modeling dependencies between climate extremes is important for climate risk assessment, for inst...

    Y Boulaguiem, J Zschleischler, E Vignotto, K van der Wiel, S Engelke | Journal: Environmental Data Science | Volume: 1 | Year: 2022 | First page: e5 | doi: 10.1017/eds.2022.4


  2. Spatiotemporal changes in aerosols over Bangladesh using 18 years of MODIS and Reanalyses data.

    In this study, combined Dark Target and Deep Blue (DTB) aerosol optical depth at 550 nm (AOD550 n...

    Ali, M.A. Bilal, M., Wang, Y., Qiu, Z., Nichol, J.E., Mhawish, A., de Leeuw, G., Zhang, Y., Shahid, S., Almazroui, M., Islam, M.N., Rahman, M.A., Mondol, S.K., Tiwari, P., Khedher, K.M. | Journal: Journal of Environmental Management | Volume: 35 | Year: 2022 | First page: 115097 | doi:


  3. Spatiotemporal variation and provincial scale differences of the AOD across China during 2000–2021.

    The spatiotemporal variation of the aerosol optical depth (AOD) over China was studied using MODI...

    de Leeuw, G., Fan, C, Li, Z., Dong, J., Li, Y., Ou, Y., and Zhu, S. | Journal: Atmospheric Pollution Research | Volume: 13 | Year: 2022 | First page: 101359 | doi:


  4. Differential impact of government lockdown policies on reducing air pollution levels and related mortality in Europe

    Previous studies have reported a decrease in air pollution levels following the enforcement of lo...

    Rochelle Schneider and John Douros | Journal: Nature, Scientific reports | Volume: 12, Article number: 726 | Year: 2022 | doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-04277-6


  5. Heat Transfer Through Grass: A Diffusive Approach

    Heat transport through short and closed vegetation such as grass is modelled by a simple diffusio...

    Steven J. A. van der Linden · Maarten T. Kruis · Oscar K. Hartogensis · Arnold F. Moene · Fred C. Bosveld ·Bas J. H. vande Wiel | Journal: Boundary-Layer Meteorology | Volume: 184 | Year: 2022 | First page: 251 | Last page: 276 | doi:
