Assessment of GRACE temporal signature over the upper Zambezi
The temporal signature of terrestrial storage changes inferred from the Gravity Recovery And Clim...
HC Winsemius, HHG Savenije, NC van de Giesen, BJJM van den Hurk, EA Zapreeva, R Klees | Status: published | Journal: Water Resour. Res. | Volume: 42 | Year: 2006 | First page: W12201 | doi: 10.1029/2006WR005192
The added value of prospective spaceborne Doppler wind lidar for extreme weather events
Lacking an established methodology to test the potential impact of prospective extensions to the ...
GJ Marseille | Conference: 29th EWGLAM and 14th SRNWP Meetings | Place: Dubrovnik | Year: 2007 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0
Interactie tussen Hemel en Aarde
Het klimaat beïnvloedt de staat van het land. Ook in de meteorologie beïnvloeden atmosferische kl...
BJJM van den Hurk | Year: 2007
Post‐Collapse Gravity Increase at the Summit of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaiʻi
We conducted gravity surveys of the summit area of Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaiʻi, in November 2018 and...
MP Poland, E de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, M Bagnardi, IA Johanson | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 46 | Year: 2019 | First page: 1 | Last page: 10 | doi: 10.1029/2019GL084901
How to utilise the knowledge of causal responses?
Our physical and physiological theory provides causal explanations of various phenomena in forest...
P Hari, M Havimo, HS Helmisaari, L Kulmala, E Nikinmaa, T Vesala, J Räisänen, T Petäjä, E Siivola, H Tuomenvirta, J Bäck, J Grace, F Magnani, T van Noije, J Pumpanen, D Stevenson, M Kulmala, S Smolander, I Riipinen, M Dal Maso | Year: 2013