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First 4513 results for ” P. Kruiver and L. Evers”

  1. PGV levels and location uncertainty for the Hooghalen 01-10-2023 event

    The Hooghalen event on 01-10-2023:19:55:06.29 with a local magnitude of 1.89 was detected by the ...

    E. Ruigrok, P. Kruiver | Year: 2023 | Pages: 6


  2. Construction of earthquake location uncertainty maps for the Netherlands

    A large part of the Netherlands is covered by a thick blanket of unconsolidated sediments. In the...

    E. Ruigrok, P. Kruiver, B. Dost | Year: 2023 | Pages: 158


  3. Seismological quickscan for Borssele - Available data and recommendations for approach

    This quickscan describes three topics. The first is a list and description of the relevant seismo...

    Kruiver, P.P. , Spetzler, J. | Year: 2023 | Pages: 34


  4. Seismische dreiging voor de Nederlandse Cariben

    De Nederlandse Cariben liggen in een gebied waar regelmatig aardbevingen plaatsvinden. Dit komt d...

    P. Kruiver, E. de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen | Year: 2024


  5. Seismic hazard for the Dutch Caribbean

    The Dutch Caribbean are located in a region where earthquakes are common. This is due to the tect...

    Pauline Kruiver, Elske van Dalfsen | Year: 2025
