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First 356 results for ” J. Chimot”

  1. Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting in China

    For the last decade the industrial activity of China has been growing at rapid pace, bringing eco...

    B Mijling, RJ van der A | Year: 2010 | Pages: 161


  2. Wind-chill [geheel herziene versie]

    Wind-chill [geheel herziene versie]

    B. Zwart | Year: 1992 | Pages: 40


  3. Wind effects on snow cover in Pascua-Lama, Dry Andes of Chile

    We present the first application of a distributed snow model (SnowModel) in the instrumented site...

    S Gascoin, S Lhermitte, C Kinnnard, K Borstels, GE Liston | Status: published | Journal: Advances in Water Resources | Year: 2013 | doi:


  4. Rapid increases in tropospheric ozone production and export from China

    WW Verstraeten, JL Neu, JE Williams, KW Bowman, JR Worden, KF Boersma | Status: published | Journal: Nature Geoscience | Volume: 8 | Year: 2015 | First page: 690 | Last page: 695 | doi: doi:10.1038/ngeo2493


  5. Satellietwaarnemingen van groeiende concentraties stikstofdioxide boven China

    De Chinese economie is de laatste jaren explosief gegroeid met een verzevenvoudiging van het brut...

    J Kuenen, RJ van der A, E Meijer, D Peters, H Kelder | Journal: Meteorologica | Volume: 15 | Year: 2006 | First page: 29 | Last page: 31
