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First 3744 results for ”J.P.M. van Dun en J. Verloop”

  1. Mechanisms behind the temporary shutdown of deep convection in the Labrador Sea: Lessons from the Great Salinity Anomaly years 1968-1971

    From 1969 to 1971 convection shut down in the Labrador Sea thus interrupting the formation of the...

    R Gelderloos, F Straneo, CA Katsman | Status: published | Journal: J. Climate | Volume: 25 | Year: 2012 | First page: 6743 | Last page: 6755 | doi: doi:


  2. Cb-Tcu classification based on radar and satellite observations

    Cumulonimbus and towering cumulus clouds form a threat for save aviation conditions. Their  dete...

    J.P.J.M.M. de Valk and R.M. van Westrhenen | Year: 2015 | Pages: 84


  3. Vergelijking van thermometerhutten

    Voor de operationele temperatuur- en vochtmetingen is het KNMI begin jaren negentig van de 20ste ...

    T Brandsma | Journal: Meteorologica | Volume: 16 | Year: 2007 | First page: 21 | Last page: 25


  4. Verhalen van Weer in de Toekomst

    W Hazeleger | Journal: Meteorologica | Volume: 21 | Year: 2012 | First page: 8 | Last page: 13


  5. Verhalen van Weer in de Toekomst

    W Hazeleger | Year: 2012 | Publisher: Wageningen Universiteit
