What are the demands on an observational program to detect trends in upper tropospheric water vapor anticipated in the 21st century?
An ensemble of runs made by a regional climate model
was used to estimate the expected change in ...
R Boers, E van Meijgaard | Status: published | Journal: Geophys. Res. Lett. | Volume: 36 | Year: 2009 | doi: 10.1029/2009GL040044
Radar-based Hail Detection: Impact of Height Assignment Errors on the Measured Vertical Profiles of Reflectivity
Most hail detection algorithms for single-polarization radars are based on the analysis of the ve...
L DeLobbe, I Holleman | Conference: 31th Conference on Radar Meteorology | Organisation: AMS | Place: Albuquerque | First page: 475 | Last page: 478
Hoe ontstaan tsunami’s en waarom?
Een jaar geleden, op zondag 26 december 2004, werd Zuidoost-Azië getroffen door een van de zwaars...
CM Dohmen-Janssen, JA Battjes, FH Goutbeek | Journal: Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Natuurkunde | Volume: 71 | Year: 2005 | First page: 380 | Last page: 385
Measuring atmospheric stability with GPS
Nowcasting of convective systems plays a crucial role in weather forecasting. The strength of con...
S de Haan | Status: published | Journal: J. Appl. Meteorol. | Volume: 45 | Year: 2006 | First page: 467 | Last page: 475
Supporting Earth-Observation Calibration and Validation: A new generation of tools for crowdsourcing and citizen science
Citizens are providing vast amounts of georeferenced data in the form of in situ data collections...
L See, S Fritz, E Dias, E Hendriks, B Mijling, F Snik, P Stammes, F Vescovi, G Zeug, PP Mathieu, YL Desnos, M Rast | Status: published | Journal: IEEE Gosci. Remote Sensing Letters | Volume: 4 | Year: 2016 | First page: 38 | Last page: 50 | doi: 10.1109/MGRS.2015.2498840