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First 213 results for ”J.R.N. Onvlee”

  1. Evaluation of a radio interferometry lightning positioning system

    Results from a SAFIR lightning positioning system covering the Netherlands are analysed and compa...

    H.R.A. Wessels | Year: 1998 | Pages: 26


  2. Experimental evaluation of an arrival time difference lightning positioning system

    Results from a five-station LPATS lightning positioning system covering the Netherlands are analy...

    H.R.A. Wessels | Year: 1992 | Pages: 25


  3. Distortion of the wind field by the Cabauw meteorological tower

    Measurements of wind direction and velocity at and near the Cabauw meteorological tower are distu...

    H.R.A. Wessels | Year: 1983 | Pages: 36


  4. De pluim van een grote koeltoren. II

    De pluim van een grote koeltoren. II 

    H.R.A. Wessels en J.A. Wisse | Year: 1972 | Pages: 14


  5. De pluim van een grote koeltoren

    De pluim van een grote koeltoren

    H.R.A. Wessels en J.A. Wisse | Year: 1970 | Pages: 20
