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First 385 results for ”M Koutek”

  1. Comparison Between Lidar and MAX-DOAS Measurements of Nitrogen Dioxide Profiles and Tropospheric Columns

    AJC Berkhout, T Vlemmix, AJM Piters, GR van der Hoff | Conference: 26th International Laser Radar Conference | Place: Porto Heli, Greece | Year: 2012 | First page: 0 | Last page: 0


  2. Framing climate uncertainty: using socio-economic and climate scenarios in assessing climate vulnerability and adaptation

    Scenarios have become a powerful tool in integrated assessment and policy analysis for climate ch...

    F Berkhout, B van den Hurk, J Bessembinder, J de Boer, B Bregman, M van Drunen | Status: published | Journal: Regional and Environmental Change | Volume: 14 | Year: 2014 | First page: 879 | Last page: 893


  3. Ground-based validation of EOS-Aura OMI NO2 vertical column data in the midlatitude mountain ranges of Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan) and Alps (France)

    Ground-based UV-visible instruments for NO2 vertical column measurements have been operating at I...

    D Ionov, YM Timofeyev, VP Sinyakov, VK Semenov, F Goutail, JP Pommereau, EJ Bucsela, EA Celarier, M Kroon | Status: published | Journal: J. Geophys. Res. | Volume: 113 | Year: 2008 | doi: 10.1029/2007JD008659


  4. First demonstration of satellite validation for tropospheric NO2

    AJM Piters, F Wittrock, A Richter, M van Roozendael, F Goutail | Year: 2008


  5. Aanpassing aan zeespiegelstijging noodzakelijk?

    C Katsman, R van Dorland, W Hazeleger, B Strengers, T Kram, W Ligtvoet, B Eickhout | Journal: NRC opinie | Year: 2007
