Detailstucturen in depressies : een analytisch model
An integrated two-parameter model has been used, based on the quasi-geostrophic vorticity and the...
L.C. Heijboer | Year: 1981 | Pages: 38
Observed Increase of Urban Extreme Rainfall as Surface Temperature Rise: The Jakarta Case
Sub-daily extreme precipitation in Jakarta exhibits trends related to local temperature, seasonal...
Siswanto, Gerard van der Schrier, Bart van den Hurk | Journal: J. Meteorological Society of Japan | Volume: 100 | Year: 2022 | doi: https://doi.org/10.2151/jmsj.2022-023
On the Accuracy and Consistency of Quintuple Collocation Analysis of In Situ, Scatterometer, and NWP Winds
The accuracy and consistency of a quintuple collocation analysis of ocean surface vector winds fr...
Jur Vogelzang, Ad Stoffelen | Journal: Remote Sensing | Volume: 14 | Year: 2022 | doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14184552
Rainfall retrieval algorithm for commercial microwave links: stochastic calibration
During the last decade, rainfall monitoring using signal-level data from commercial microwave lin...
Wagner Wolff, Aart Overeem, Hidde Leijnse, Remko Uijlenhoet | Journal: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | Volume: 15 | Year: 2022 | First page: 485 | Last page: 502 | doi: 10.5194/amt-15-485-2022
Improvements in Ku-band scatterometer wind ambiguity removal using ASCAT-based empirical background error correlations
Wind scatterometry is an established technique for accurately measuring wind vectors over the wor...
Jur Vogelzang, Ad Stoffelen
| Journal: Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society | Volume: 144 | Year: 2018 | doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/qj.3349