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First 1338 results for ” A Schuitmaker”

  1. Klimaatkamertest van de Gill R3 sonische anemometer/thermometer en de Licor 7500 H2O/CO2 sensor

    In dit verslag staan de resultaten van de stage die uitgevoerd is bij het KNMI onder begeleiding ...

    A. Schuitmaker | Year: 2009 | Pages: 44


  2. An evaluation by laser Doppler anemometry of the correction algorithm based on Kaimal co-spectra for high frequency losses of EC flux measurements of CH4 and N2O

    P Kroon, A Schuitmaker, H Jonker, M Tummers, A Hensen, FC Bosveld | Status: published | Journal: Agric. and Forest Met. | Volume: 150 | Year: 2010 | First page: 794 | Last page: 805 | doi: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.08.009


  3. De kleine vraagbaak van het Kyoto protocol

    Vragen over ontstaan, inwerkingtreding en uitvoering van het Kyoto Protocol. Korte uitleg over wa...

    B Schoenmakers, L van den Brink, R van Dorland | Year: 2005 | Publisher: PCCC


  4. Concentration of air polution in Europe, made in Holland

    RJ van der A, F Boersma, G de Leeuw, R Schoemaker | Journal: Land + Water Internationaal | Year: 2005 | First page: 18 | Last page: 19


  5. Snow at Schiphol

    The operational snow season at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol runs from mid November until the end of...

    G Groen | Journal: Ground Services periodiek KLM | Year: 2011
