This study investigates how climate change affects the daily extreme precipitation events that oc...
Attributing the change in likelihood of extreme weather events, particularly those occurring at s...
Observations show that subdaily precipitation extremes increase with dew point temperature at a r...
The aim of this article is to describe the reference configuration of the convection-permitting n...
Large-eddy simulations with strong lateral forcing representative of precipitation over the Nethe...
Although it has been documented that daily precipitation extremes are increasing worldwide, faste...
xpansion of urban areas has profound effects on land surface characteristics. As such, the land s...
This document constitutes a summary of verification and evaluation research of the Harmonie model...
The effects of historic and future land use on precipitation in the Netherlands are investigated ...
KNMI presents the KNMI’14 climate scenarios: four new scenarios for future climate change in the...
De KNMI’14-klimaatscenario’s vertalen de onderzoeksresul-taten voor het wereldwijde klimaat uit h...
We describe scenarios for the Rhine and Meuse catchments which are targeted to severe summer drou...
The January 2014 floods paralyzed nearly all of Jakarta, Indonesia. The precipitation events that...
Extreme daily fall precipitation in the Cévennes mountains has very likely intensified. The proba...
This report documents and motivates the KNMI’14 climate change scenarios. It has an intermediate ...
Evidence that extreme rainfall intensity is increasing at the global scale has strengthened consi...
A method to prepare a set of four climate scenarios for the Netherlands is presented. These scena...
Snowfall frequency and intensity are influenced strongly by climate change. Here we separate the ...
Op 28 juli regende het heel hard in grote delen van Nederland. Dat leverde flink wat wateroverlas...
The ASTEX intercomparison case clearly reveals that the Harmonie turbulence scheme has too little...
Op 28 juli vielen grote hoeveelheden neerslag in Nederland, op sommige plaatsen ontstond waterove...
Op maandag 28 juli vielen er in Nederland uitzonderlijk zware buien. In grote delen van Nederland...