Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. NOx emission trends over Chinese cities estimated from OMI observations during 2005 to 2015

    Satellite nitrogen dioxide (NO2) observations have been widely used to evaluate emission changes....

    Fei Liu, Steffen Beirle, Qiang Zhang1 Ronald J. van der A, Bo Zheng, Dan Tong, Kebin He | published | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | 2017 | 17
  2. Space-based NOx emission estimates over remote regions improved in DECSO

    We improve the emission estimate algorithm DECSO (Daily Emission estimates Constrained by Satelli...

    J Ding, RJ van der A, B Mijling, PF Levelt | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2017 | 10
  3. Cleaning up the air: effectiveness of air quality policy for SO2 and NOx emissions in China

    Air quality observations by satellite instruments are global and have a regular temporal resoluti...

    RJ van der A, B Mijling, J Ding, ME Koukouli, F Liu, Q Li, H Mao, N Theys | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2017 | 17
  4. Anthropogenic sulphur dioxide load over China as observed from different satellite sensors

    China, with its rapid economic growth and immense exporting power, has been the focus of many stu...

    ME Koukouli, DS Balis, RJ van der A, N Theys, P Hedelt, A Richter, N Krotkov, C Li, M Taylor | published | Atmos. Environm. | 2016
  5. Substantial Underestimation of Post-Harvest Burning Emissions in the North China Plain Revealed by Multi-Species Space Observations

    The large-scale burning of crop residues in the North China Plain (NCP), one of the most densely ...

    T Stavrakou, JF Muller, M Bauwens, I De Smedt, C Lerot, M Van Roozendael, PF Coheur, C Clerbaux, KF Boersma, RJ van der A, Y Song | published | Scientific Reports | 2016 | 6
  6. The impact of the ozone effective temperature on satellite validation using the Dobson spectrophotometer network

    The main aim of the paper is to demonstrate an approach for post-processing of the Dobson spectro...

    ME Koukouli, M Zara, C Lerot, K Fragkos, D Balis, M Van Roozendael, MAF Allaart, RJ van der A | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2016 | 9
  7. Validation of ash optical depth and layer height retrieved from passive satellite sensors using EARLINET and airborne lidar data: the case of the Eyjafjallajökull eruption

    The vulnerability of the European airspace to volcanic eruptions was brought to the attention of ...

    D Balis, ME Koukouli, N Siomos, S Dimopoulos, L Mona, G Pappalardo, F Marenco, L Clarisse, LJ Ventress, E Carboni, RG Grainger, P Wang, G Tilstra, RJ van der A, N Theys | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2016 | 16
  8. Recent reduction in NOx emissions over China: synthesis of satellite observations and emission inventories

    Tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) column densities detected from space are widely used to infer...

    F Liu, Q Zhang, RJ van der A, B Zheng, D Tong, L Yan, Y Zheng, K He | published | Environmental Research Letters | 2016 | 11
  9. Unequivocal Confirmation of the Onset of Stratospheric Ozone Recovery in the Antarctic Ozone Hole

    In this paper we evaluate the long-term changes in ozone depletion within the Antarctic ozone hol...

    ATJ de Laat, M van Weele, RJ van der A | submitted | J. Geophys. Res. | 2016
  10. NOx emission estimates during the 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing

    The Nanjing Government applied temporary environmental regulations to guarantee good air quality ...

    J Ding, RJ van der A, B Mijling, PF Levelt, N Hao | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2015 | 15
  11. Inter-comparison of different NOX emission inventories and associated variation in simulated surface ozone in Indian region

    n this work, we compare for the first time different anthropogenic NOX emission inventories and e...

    C Jena, SD Ghude, G Beig, DM Chate, R Kumar, G< Pfister, DM Lal, DE Surendran, S Fadnavis, RJ van der A | published | Atmos. Environm. | 2015
  12. Extended and refined multi sensor reanalysis of total ozone for the period 1970-2012

    The ozone multi-sensor reanalysis (MSR) is a multi-decadal ozone column data record constructed u...

    RJ van der A, MAF Allaart, HJ Eskes | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2015
  13. Interannual variability of nitrogen oxides emissions from boreal fires in Siberia and Alaska during 1996-2011 as observed from space

    Past studies suggest that forest fires contribute significantly to the formation of ozone in the ...

    H Tanimoto, K Ikeda, KF Boersma, RJ van der A, S Garivait | published | Environmental Research Letters | 2015
  14. Round-robin evaluation of nadir ozone profile retrievals: methodology and application to MetOp-A GOME-2

    A methodology for the round-robin evaluation and the geophysical validation of ozone profile data...

    A Keppens, JC Lambert, J Granville, G Miles, R Siddans, JCA van Peet, RJ van der A, D Hubert, T Verhoelst, A Delcloo, S Godin-Beekmann, R Kivi, R Stübi, C Zehner | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2015 | 8
  15. Copernicus stratospheric ozone service, 2009–2012: validation, system intercomparison and roles of input data sets

    This paper evaluates and discusses the quality of the stratospheric ozone analyses delivered in n...

    K Lefever, RJ van der A, F Baier, Y Christophe, Q Errera, HJ Eskes, J Flemming, A Inness, L Jones, JC Lambert, B Langerock, MG Schultz, O Stein, A Wagner, S Chabrillat | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2015 | 15
  16. Recent Satellite-based Trends of Tropospheric Nitrogen Dioxide over Large Urban Agglomerations Worldwide

    Trends in tropospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) columns over 66 large urban agglomerations worldwid...

    P Schneider, WA Lahoz, RJ van der A | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2015 | 15
  17. Tracing the second stage of Antarctic ozone hole recovery with a “big data” approach to multi-variate regressions

    This study presents a sensitivity analysis of multivariate regressions of recent springtime Antar...

    ATJ de Laat, RJ van der A, M van Weele | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2015
  18. Monitoring and Assessment of Regional air quality in China using space Observations (MARCOPOLO)

    In this paper we will present the FP7-project ’MarcoPolo’. The main objective of Marco Polo is to...

    RJ van der A, J Ding, B Mijling, J Bai | 2014 | 2014 | ESA | ESA SP-724
  19. Sensitivity analysis of NOx emission estimates

    To study the sensitivity of the DECSO algorithm to the type of model, we implemented two versions...

    J Ding, RJ van der A, B Mijling, J Bai | 2014 | 2014 | ESA | ESA SP-724
  20. [Global Climate] Stratospheric ozone [in

    In 2013, the vast majority of the monitored climate variables reported here maintained trends est...

    M Weber, W Steinbrecht, RJ van der A, M Coldewey-Egbers, VE Fioletov, SM Frith, CS Long, D Loyola, JD Wild | published | Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. | 2014 | 95
  21. Spatial regression analysis on 32 years total column ozone data

    Multiple-regressions analysis have been performed on 32 years of total ozone column data that was...

    JS Knibbe, RJ van der A, ATJ de Laat | published | Atm. Chem. Phys. | 2014 | 14
  22. Past changes in the vertical distribution of ozone – Part 1: Measurement techniques, uncertainties and availability

    Peak stratospheric chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) and other ozone depleting substance (ODS) concentrati...

    B Hassler, I Petropavlovskikh, J Staehelin, PF Levelt, RJ van der A, JP Veeflind, et al. | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2014
  23. Support to Aviation Control Service (SACS): an online service for near-real-time satellite monitoring of volcanic plumes

    Volcanic eruptions emit plumes of ash and gases into the atmosphere, potentially at very high alt...

    H Brenot, N Theys, L Clarisse, J van Geffen, J van Gent, M Van Roozendael, RJ van der A, D Hurtmans, PF Coheur, C Clerbaux, P Valks, P Hedelt, F Prata, O Rasson, C Zehner | published | Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences | 2014
  24. Ozone ProfilE Retrieval Algorithm (OPERA) for nadir-looking satellite instruments in the UV-VIS

    For the retrieval of the vertical distribution of ozone in the atmosphere the Ozone ProfilE Retri...

    JCA van Peet, RJ van der A, ONE Tuinder, E Wolfram, J Salvador, PF Levelt, H Kelder | published | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2014 | 7
  25. Estimation of the lifetime of nitrogen oxides over India using SCIAMACHY observations

    The NOx lifetime is needed to determine NOx source strength and allow for source apportionment st...

    CK Jena, SD Ghude, N Blond, G Beig, DM Chate, S Fadnavis, RJ van der A | published | Int. J. of Remote Sens. | 2014 | 35