To evaluate the effect of sampling frequency on the global monthly mean aerosol optical thickness...
We report on the AeroCom Phase II direct aerosol effect (DAE) experiment where 16 detailed global...
The uncertain, future development of emissions of short-lived trace gases and aerosols forms a ke...
We have analysed time-slice simulations from 17 global models, participating in the Atmospheric C...
Global air quality datasets with a coarse resolution have to be downscaled to become useful for r...
The uncertain, future development of emissions of short-lived trace gases and aerosols forms a ke...
The objective of this study is to globally assess the effects of atmospheric nitrogen deposition ...
The growth rate of methane (CH4) showed fluctuations in the 1990s, with particularly large anomal...
We present a comprehensive description and benchmark evaluation of the tropospheric chemistry ver...
Klimaatverandering is een mondiaal probleem. De veranderingen in het klimaat door toename van bro...
De chemische samenstelling van de atmosfeer hangt op vele manieren samen met de toestand van het ...
Within ACCENT, a European Network of Excellence, eighteen atmospheric models from the U.S., Europ...
We use 23 atmospheric chemistry transport models to calculate current and future (2030) depositio...
Air quality, ecosystem exposure to nitrogen deposition, and climate change are intimately coupled...
Within the EU project RETRO a reconstruction is made of the chemical composition of the troposphe...