Sea level rise (SLR) will increase adaptation needs along low-lying coasts worldwide. Despite cen...
The second Cabauw Intercomparison of Nitrogen Dioxide measuring Instruments (CINDI-2) took place ...
Uncertainties in wind inversion from scatterometer observations are contributed by system and geo...
The Data Innovation and Science Cluster (DISC) is a core element of ESA's data quality strategy f...
With the advent of the golden era of scatterometry, with seven scatterometers currently operating...
Launched in October 2017, the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) aboard Sentinel-5 Prec...
High quality and well-managed climate data are the cornerstone of all climate services. Consisten...
This paper reports on consolidated ground-based validation results of the atmospheric NO2 data pr...
KNMI has had a long involvement with the recently launched Aeolus mission. Aeolus is an ESA Earth...
The European Space Agency (ESA)'s Earth Explorer Aeolus was launched in August 2018 carrying...
Space-borne scatterometer observations are well-known ocean surface wind remote sensing instrumen...
Scatterometers provide consistent observations of ocean surface wind with reliable quality. In tr...
Already within the first weeks after the launch of ESA's Earth Explorer mission Aeolus on 22 Augu...
In tropical regions, Ku-band scatterometer observations are affected by heavy rain, and affected ...
Volcanic activity is always accompanied by the transfer of heat from the Earth’s crust to the atm...
Abstract. In a companion article (Jimenez et al., 2020), we introduced a new lidar method to deri...
The Aeolus Data Innovation and Science Cluster (DISC) supports the Aeolus mission with a wide ran...
Summer 2012 was very wet in northern Europe, and unusually dry and hot in southern Europe. We use...
The height of the atmospheric boundary layer or mixing layer is an important parameter for unders...
Despite the importance of radar reflectivity (Z) measurements in the retrieval of liquid water cl...
Cabauw lidar data were used for the development of several new methods, as well as in the validat...