Clouds affected by solar eclipses could influence the reflection of sunlight back into space and ...
ATLID (ATmospheric LIDar) is the lidar flown on the multi-instrument Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radi...
Reliable solar radiation and photovoltaic power prediction is essential for the safe and stable o...
The Atmospheric LAser Doppler INstrument (ALADIN) on board Aeolus was the first high-spectral-res...
A two-stage model integrating a spatiotemporal linear mixed effect (STLME) and a geographic weig...
The sensitivity (S) of cloud parameters to the influence of different aerosol and meteorological ...
Accurate aerosol optical depth (AOD) with high temporal resolution is required for dynamic monito...
Launched in August 2018, ESA’s Earth Explorer mission Aeolus was the first to measure atmospheric...
A regional reanalysis has been produced for a domain covering entire Europe from 1984 to 2021. Th...
Given the importance of aerosols and clouds and their interactions in the climate system, it is i...
Earth system models (ESMs) participating in the latest Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phas...
Two decades of high-resolution satellite observations and climate modeling studies have indicated...
Background A large gap exists between the latest Global Air Quality Guidelines (AQG 2021) and Ch...
Tropospheric vertical column densities (VCDs) of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) retrieved from sun-synchr...
The EarthCARE satellite mission's objective is to retrieve profiles of aerosol and cloud physical...
The relative contributions of different aerosol types to the total aerosol content were determine...
Fine particulate matter, with an aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2.5 μm (PM2.5), is a severe problem in Ch...
WindRAD (Wind Radar) is a dual-frequency rotating fan-beam scatterometer instrument on the FY-3E ...
Cloud shadows are observed by the TROPOMI satellite instrument as a result of its high spatial re...
Calibrating the top-of-atmospheric reflectance measurements of spaceborne hyperspectral atmospher...
Based on the strict radiative transfer algorithm, a new method is developed to derive the Precipi...
DISAMAR (determining instrument specifications and analysing methods for atmospheric retrieval) i...
Satellite retrievals of columnar nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are essential for the characterization of...