We introduce an innovative method to distinguish soil nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) emissions ...
Monitoring air pollution is key to a better awareness of the size, seriousness and impacts of the...
During the COVID19 lockdown (24 January-20 March) in China low air pollution levels were reported...
In many cities around the world people are exposed to elevated levels of air pollution. Often loc...
Low-cost sensor systems for measuring air quality have received widespread scientific and media a...
In many urban areas the population is exposed to elevated levels of air pollution. However, real-...
A method is developed that allows the construction of spatial emission inventories. The method is...
We compare nine emission inventories of nitrogen oxides including four satellite-derived NOx inve...
We improve the emission estimate algorithm DECSO (Daily Emission estimates Constrained by Satelli...
Air quality observations by satellite instruments are global and have a regular temporal resoluti...
Citizens are providing vast amounts of georeferenced data in the form of in situ data collections...
The Nanjing Government applied temporary environmental regulations to guarantee good air quality ...
To study the sensitivity of the DECSO algorithm to the type of model, we implemented two versions...
In this paper we will present the FP7-project ’MarcoPolo’. The main objective of Marco Polo is to...
Het iSPEX citizen science project werkt en kan een waardevolle aanvulling vormen op professionele...
To assess the impact of atmospheric aerosols on health, climate, and air traffic, aerosol propert...
An increasing number of people carry a smartphone with internet connection, a camera and consider...
For the last decade the industrial activity of China has been growing at rapid pace, bringing eco...
In this paper, we assess the status of the air quality in the Lake Baikal region which is strongl...