Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. KNMI Climate Scenarios for Suriname

    This report discusses the climate scenarios for Suriname that were developed within the Makandra ...

    E.C. Koole, N. Bloemendaal, M. Broton, R. Haarsma, I. Keizer, D. Le Bars and H. de Vries | --2024 | pp37 p.
  2. KNMI Ambition 2035

    The KNMI's ambitions for the coming years are outlined in the new Multi-Year Strategic Plan 2025-...

    Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) | --2024 | pp18 p.
  3. Source document KNMI ambition 2035 : Multi-annual Strategic Plan 2025-2035

    This source document outlines KNMI's ambitions for the coming years, as detailed in the new Multi...

    Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) | --2024 | pp9
  4. Brondocument KNMI ambitie 2035 : Meerjarig Strategisch Plan 2025-2035

    Dit brondocument bevat de KNMI ambities voor de komende jaren, het nieuwe Meerjarig Strategisch P...

    Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI) | --2024 | pp9 p.
  5. KNMI ambitie 2035

    De KNMI-ambities voor de komende jaren worden vastgelegd in het nieuwe Meerjarig Strategisch Plan...

    Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI) | --2024 | pp20 p.
  6. Recent improvements and maximum covariance analysis of aerosol and cloud properties in the EC-Earth3-AerChem model

    Given the importance of aerosols and clouds and their interactions in the climate system, it is i...

    MA Thomas, K Wyser, S Wang, M Chatziparaschos, P Georgakaki, M Costa-Surós, M Gonçalves Ageitos, M Kanakidou, C Pérez García-Pando, A Nenes, T van Noije, P Le Sager, A Devasthale | Geosci. Mod. Dev. | 2024 | 17
  7. Decomposing the effective radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols based on CMIP6 Earth system models

    Anthropogenic aerosols play a major role in the Earth–atmosphere system by influencing the Earth'...

    A Kalisoras, AK Georgoulias, D Akritidis, RJ Allen, V Naik, C Kuo, S Szopa, P Nabat, D Olivié, T van Noije, P Le Sager, D Neubauer, N Oshima, J Mulcahy, LW Horowitz, P Zanis | Atmos. Chem. Phys. | 2024 | 24
  8. Evaluation of CMIP6 model simulations of PM2.5 and its components over China

    Earth system models (ESMs) participating in the latest Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phas...

    F Ren, J Lin, C Xu, JA Adeniran, J Wang, RV Martin, A van Donkelaar, MS Hammer, LW Horowitz, ST Turnock, N Oshima, J Zhang, S Bauer, K Tsigaridis, Ø Seland, P Nabat, D Neubauer, G Strand, T van Noije, P Le Sager, T Takemura | Geosci. Model Dev. | 2024 | 17
  9. Plasma-neutral interactions in the lower thermosphere-ionosphere: The need for in situ measurements to address focused questions

    The lower thermosphere-ionosphere (LTI) is a key transition region between Earth’s atmosphere and...

    Sarris T, Palmroth M, Aikio A, Buchert SC, Clemmons J, Clilverd M, Dandouras I, , Doornbos E, Goodwin LV, Grandin M, , Heelis R, Ivchenko N, Moretto-Jørgensen, T, Kervalishvili G, Knudsen D, Liu HL, Lu G, Malaspina DM, Marghitu O, Maute A, Miloch, WJ, Olsen N, Pfaff R, Stolle C, Talaat E, , Thayer J, Tourgaidis S, Verronen PT and Yamauchi M | Front. Astron. Space Sci. | 2023 | 9
  10. Daedalus MASE (mission assessment through simulation exercise): A toolset for analysis of in situ missions and for processing global circulation model outputs in the lower thermosphere-ionosphere

    Daedalus MASE (Mission Assessment through Simulation Exercise) is an open-source package of scien...

    Sarris TE, Tourgaidis S, Pirnaris P, Baloukidis, D, Papadakis K, Psychalas C, Buchert SC, Doornbos E, Clilverd MA, Verronen PT, Malaspina D, Ahmadi N, Dandouras I, , Kotova A, Miloch WJ, Knudsen D, Olsen N, , Marghitu O, Matsuo T, Lu G, Marchaudon A, , Hoffmann A, Lajas D, Strømme A, Taylor M, , Aikio A, Palmroth M, Heelis R, Ivchenko N, , Stolle C, Kervalishvili G, Moretto-Jørgensen, T, Pfaff R, Siemes C, Visser P, van den Ijssel, J, Liu H-L, Sandberg I, Papadimitriou C, , Vogt J, Blagau A and Stachlys N | Front. Astron. Space Sci. | 2023 | 9
  11. Comparison of Empirical and Theoretical Models of the Thermospheric Density Enhancement During the 3–4 February 2022 Geomagnetic Storm

    On 3 February 2022, at 18:13 UTC, SpaceX launched and a short time later deployed 49 Starlink sat...

    Jianhui He, Elvira Astafyeva, Xinan Yue, Nicholas M. Pedatella, Dong Lin, Timothy J. Fuller-Rowell, Mariangel Fedrizzi, Mihail Codrescu, Eelco Doornbos, Christian Siemes, Sean Bruinsma, Frederic Pitout, Adam Kubaryk | Space Weather | 2023 | 21
  12. Validation of Sentinel-5P TROPOMI tropospheric NO2 products by comparison with NO2 measurements from airborne imaging DOAS, ground-based stationary DOAS, and mobile car DOAS measurements during the S5P-VAL-DE-Ruhr campaign

    Airborne imaging differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS), ground-based stationary DOA...

    Lange, K., Richter, A., Schönhardt, A., Meier, A. C., Bösch, T., Seyler, A., Krause, K., Behrens, L. K., Wittrock, F., Merlaud, A., Tack, F., Fayt, C., Friedrich, M. M., Dimitropoulou, E., Van Roozendael, M., Kumar, V., Donner, S., Dörner, S., Lauster, B., Razi, M., Borger, C., Uhlmannsiek, K., Wagner, T., Ruhtz, T., Eskes, H., Bohn, B., Santana Diaz, D., Abuhassan, N., Schüttemeyer, D., and Burrows, J. P. | Atmos. Meas. Tech. | 2023 | 16
  13. Technical note: The CAMS greenhouse gas reanalysis from 2003 to 2020

    The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) has recently produced a greenhouse gas reanal...

    Agustí-Panareda, A., Barré, J., Massart, S., Inness, A., Aben, I., Ades, M., Baier, B. C., Balsamo, G., Borsdorff, T., Bousserez, N., Boussetta, S., Buchwitz, M., Cantarello, L., Crevoisier, C., Engelen, R., Eskes, H., Flemming, J., Garrigues, S., Hasekamp, O., Huijnen, V., Jones, L., Kipling, Z., Langerock, B., McNorton, J., Meilhac, N., Noël, S., Parrington, M., Peuch, V.-H., Ramonet, M., Razinger, M., Reuter, M., Ribas, R., Suttie, M., Sweeney, C., Tarniewicz, J., and Wu, L. | Atmos. Chem. Phys. | 2023 | 23
  14. Tropical Cyclone Wind Direction Retrieval From Dual-Polarized SAR Imagery Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Hann Window Function

    Accurate knowledge of wind directions plays a critical role in ocean surface wind retrieval and t...

    Weicheng Ni; Ad Stoffelen; Kaijun Ren | IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing | 2023 | 16
  15. Ocean Mesoscale and Frontal-Scale Ocean–Atmosphere Interactions and Influence on Large-Scale Climate: A Review

    Two decades of high-resolution satellite observations and climate modeling studies have indicated...

    Hyodae Seo, Larry W. O’Neill, Mark A. Bourassa, Arnaud Czaja, Kyla Drushka, James B. Edson, Baylor Fox-Kemper, Ivy Frenger, Sarah T. Gille , Benjamin P. Kirtman , Shoshiro Minobe , Angeline G. Pendergrass , Lionel Renault , Malcolm J. Roberts , Niklas Schneider , R. Justin Small, Ad Stoffelen, and Qing Wang | Journal of Climate | 2023 | 36
  16. PARMIO: A Reference Quality Model for Ocean Surface Emissivity and Backscatter from the Microwave to the Infrared

    The need for a community reference quality ocean emission and reflection model for use across a b...

    Emmanuel Dinnat, Stephen English, Catherine Prigent, Lise Kilic, Magdalena Anguelova, Stuart Newman, Thomas Meissner, Jacqueline Boutin, Ad Stoffelen, Simon Yueh, Ben Johnson, Fuzhong Weng , and Carlos Jimenez | Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society | 2023
  17. Extreme Winds from Ku-Band and C-Band Wind Scatterometers

    C-band scatterometer winds have been adjusted for extreme conditions and in this research extensi...

    Xingou Xu, Ad Stoffelen, Weicheng Ni, Marcos Portabella, Alberto Rabaneda | IGARSS 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium | 2023
  18. Satellite Remote Sensing of Surface Winds, Waves, and Currents: Where are we Now?

    This review paper reports on the state-of-the-art concerning observations of surface winds, waves...

    Danièle Hauser, Saleh Abdalla, Fabrice Ardhuin, Jean-Raymond Bidlot, Mark Bourassa, David Cotton, Christine Gommenginger, Hayley Evers-King, Harald Johnsen, John Knaff, Samantha Lavender, Alexis Mouche, Nicolas Reul, Charles Sampson, Edward C.C Steele and Ad Stoffelen | Surveys in Geophysics | 2023 | 44
  19. CLAAS-3: the third edition of the CM SAF cloud data record based on SEVIRI observations

    CLAAS-3, the third edition of the Cloud property dAtAset using SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible ...

    Nikos Benas, Irina Solodovnik, Martin Stengel, Imke Hüser, Karl-Göran Karlsson, Nina Håkansson, Erik Johansson, Salomon Eliasson, Marc Schröder, Rainer Hollmann, and Jan Fokke Meirink | Earth System Science Data | 2023 | 15
  20. CLARA-A3: The third edition of the AVHRR-based CM SAF climate data record on clouds, radiation and surface albedo covering the period 1979 to 2023

    This paper presents the third edition of The Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring...

    Karl-Göran Karlsson, Martin Stengel, Jan Fokke Meirink, Aku Riihelä, Jörg Trentmann, Tom Akkermans, Diana Stein, Abhay Devasthale, Salomon Eliasson, Erik Johansson, Nina Håkansson, Irina Solodovnik, Nikos Benas, Nicolas Clerbaux, Nathalie Selbach, Marc Schröder, and Rainer Hollmann | Earth System Science Data | 2023 | 15
  21. Nitrogen oxides in the free troposphere: implications for tropospheric oxidants and the interpretation of satellite NO2 measurements

    Satellite-based retrievals of tropospheric NO2 columns are widely used to infer NOx (≡ NO + NO2) ...

    Shah, V., Jacob, D. J., Dang, R., Lamsal, L. N., Strode, S. A., Steenrod, S. D., Boersma, K. F., Eastham, S. D., Fritz, T. M., Thompson, C., Peischl, J., Bourgeois, I., Pollack, I. B., Nault, B. A., Cohen, R. C., Campuzano-Jost, P., Jimenez, J. L., Andersen, S. T., Carpenter, L. J., Sherwen, T., and Evans, M. J. | Atmos Chem Phys | 2023 | 23
  22. Probing Gravity Waves in the Middle Atmosphere Using Infrasound From Explosions

    This study uses low-frequency, inaudible acoustic waves (infrasound) to probe wind and temperatur...

    E Vorobeva, JD Assink, PJ Espy, T Renkwitz, I Chunchuzov, SP Näsholm | Journal of Geophysical Research | 2023
  23. Small-Scale Discharges Observed Near the Top of a Thunderstorm

    We have used the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) to image a few lightning flashes during a particular...

    O Scholten, BM Hare, J Dwyer, N Liu, C Sterpka, JD Assink, H Leijnse, S ter Veen | Geophysical Research Letters | 2023
  24. Study of the strongest dust storm occurred in Uzbekistan in November 2021

    We studied and reconstructed a severe Central Asian dust storm of November 4, 2021, through high-...

    B. E. Nishonov, B. M. Kholmatjanov, L. D. Labzovskii, N. Rakhmatova, L. Shardakova, E. I. Abdulakhatov, D. U. Yarashev, T. Khujanazarov, D. A. Belikov | Scientific Reports | 2023
  25. Extending the Calibration Traceability of Longwave Radiation Time-Series (ExTrac)

    Pyrgeometers are used to measure longwave radiation at the Earth’s surface that has been identifi...

    Stephan Nyeki, Julian Gröbner, Laurent Vuilleumier, Christian Lanconelli, Amelie Driemel, Wouter Knap, Marion Maturilli, Nozomu Ohkawara, Laura Riihimaki, and Holger Schmithüsen | 2023