Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Retrievals of Precipitable Water Vapor and Aerosol Optical Depth from direct sun measurements with EKO MS711 and MS712 Spectroradiometers

    Based on the strict radiative transfer algorithm, a new method is developed to derive the Precipi...

    Qiao, C., Liu, S., Huo, J., Mu, X., Wang, P., Jia, S., Fan, X., and Duan, M | The EGU interactive community platform | 2022
  2. Introduction of the DISAMAR radiative transfer model: determining instrument specifications and analysing methods for atmospheric retrieval (version 4.1.5)

    DISAMAR (determining instrument specifications and analysing methods for atmospheric retrieval) i...

    de Haan, J. F., Wang, P., Sneep, M., Veefkind, J. P., and Stammes, P | Geoscientific Model Development | 2022
  3. The association between ambient UVB dose and ANCA-associated vasculitis relapse and onset

    Background The aetiology of ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) and triggers of relapse are poorl...

    Scott, J., Havyarimana, E., Navarro-Gallinad, A., White, A., Wyse, J., van Geffen, J., van Weele, M., Buettner, A., Wanigasekera, T., Walsh, A., Aslett, L., Kelleher, J.D., Power, J., Ng, J., O'Sullivan, D., Hederman, L., Basu, N., Little, M.A. and Zgaga, L | Arthritis Research & Therapy | 2022
  4. Comparison of S5P/TROPOMI Inferred NO2 Surface Concentrations with In Situ Measurements over Central Europe

    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the surface concentration of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) inferred...

    Pseftogkas, A., Koukouli, M., Segers, A., Manders, A., Van Geffen, J., Balis, D., Meleti, C., Stavrakou, T. and Eskes, H | Remote Sensing | 2022 | 14
  5. Influence of convection on the upper-tropospheric O3 and NOx budget in southeastern China

    Thunderstorms can significantly influence the air composition via strong updraft and lightning ni...

    Zhang, X., Yin, Y., van der A, R., Eskes, H., van Geffen, J., Li, Y., Kuang, X., Lapierre, J. L., Chen, K., Zhen, Z., Hu, J., He, C., Chen, J., Shi, R., Zhang, J., Ye, X. and Chen, H. | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | 2022
  6. Improved monitoring of shipping NO2 with TROPOMI: decreasing NOx emissions in European seas during the COVID-19 pandemic

    TROPOMI (TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument) measurements of tropospheric NO2 columns provide pow...

    Riess, T.C.V.W., Boersma, K.F., van Vliet, J., Peters, W., Sneep, M., Eskes, H. and van Geffen, J. | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2022
  7. Direct Retrieval of NO2 Vertical Columns from UV-Vis (390-495 nm) Spectral Radiances Using a Neural Network

    Satellite retrievals of columnar nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are essential for the characterization of...

    Li, C., Xu, X., Liu, X., Wang, J., Sun, K., van Geffen, J., Zhu, Q., Ma, J., Jin, J., Qin, K., He, Q., Xie, P., Ren, B. and Cohen, R. C. | JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING | 2022
  8. Overcoming the disconnect between energy system and climate modelling

    Energy system models underpin decisions by energy system planners and operators. Energy system mo...

    MT Craig, J Wohland, LP Stoop, A Kies, B Pickering, HC Bloomfield, J Browell, M de Felice, CJ Dent, A Deroubaix, F Frischmuth, PLM Gonzalez, A Grochowicz, K Gruber, P Hartel, M Kittel, L Kotzur, I Labuhn, JK Lundquist, N Pflugradt, K van der Wiel, M Zeyringer, DJ Brayshaw | Joule | 2022 | 6
  9. A globally consistent local-scale assessment of future tropical cyclone risk

    There is considerable uncertainty surrounding future changes in tropical cyclone (TC) frequency a...

    N Bloemendaal, H de Moel, AB Martinez, S Muis, ID Haigh, K van der Wiel, RJ Haarsma, PJ Ward, MJ Roberts, JCM Dullaart, JCJH Aerts. | Science advances | 2022 | 8
  10. Global Climate


    Robert J. H. Dunn, ........, Ronald van der A, et al. | Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. | 2022 | 103
  11. A two-dimensional effective sound speed parabolic equation model for infrasound propagation with ground topography

    A terrain capable parabolic equation (PE) propagation algorithm for long range infrasound propaga...

    R Waxler, C Hetzer, JD Assink, PS Blom | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2022 | 152
  12. Sentinel-5P TROPOMI NO2 retrieval: impact of version v2.2 improvements and comparisons with OMI and ground-based data

    Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is one of the main data products measured by the Tropospheric Monitoring I...

    Van Geffen, J.H.G.M., Eskes, H.J., Compernolle, S., Pinardi, G., Verhoelst, T., Lambert, J.-C., Sneep, M., ter Linden, M., Ludewig, A., Boersma, K.F. and Veefkind, J.P | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2022 | 15
  13. Comment on Ashraf et al. Worsening situation of smog in Pakistan: A tale of three cities. Ann Med Surg (Lond) 2022, 79, 103947


    Bilal M., de Leeuw G., Nichol J.E., Bleiweiss M.P., Yang L., Chai H., Mhawish A., Ali M.A., | Annals of Medicine and Surgery | 2022 | 79
  14. FY-4A/AGRI Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval Capability Test and Validation Based on NNAeroG

    The Advanced Geostationary Radiation Imager (AGRI) is one of the main imaging sensors on the Feng...

    Ding, H., L. Zhao, S. Liu, X. Chen, G. de Leeuw, F. Wang, F. Zheng, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, J. Li, L. She, Y. Si, X. Gu. | Remote Sensing | 2022 | 14
  15. Tropical and Boreal Forest – Atmosphere Interactions: A Review

    This review presents how the boreal and the tropical forests affect the atmosphere, its  chemica...

    Artaxo, P, Hansson, H-C, .... de Leeuw, G. ..... | Tellus B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology | 2022 | 74
  16. Neural Network AEROsol Retrieval for Geostationary Satellite (NNAeroG) Based on Temporal, Spatial and Spectral Measurements.

    Geostationary satellites observe the earth surface and atmosphere with a short repeat time, thus...

    Chen, X.; Zhao, L.; Zheng, F.; Li, J.; Li, L.; Ding, H.; Zhang, K.; Liu, S.; Li, D.; de Leeuw, G. | Remote Sensing | 2022 | 14
  17. Towards Quantifying the Uncertainty in Estimating Observed Scaling Rates

    Short-duration precipitation extremes (PE) increase at a rate of around 7%/K explained by the Cla...

    Haider Ali  , Hayley J. Fowler , David Pritchard, Geert Lenderink , Stephen Blenkinsop, and Elizabeth Lewis | Geophysical Research Letters | 2022
  18. Estimating Single-Epoch Integrated Atmospheric Refractivity from InSAR for Assimilation in Numerical Weather Models

    Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models are used to predict the weather based on current observ...

    Gert Mulder, Freek J. van Leijen, Jan Barkmeijer, Siebren de Haan, and Ramon F. Hanssen | IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing | 2022 | 60
  19. Rapid attribution analysis of the extraordinary heat wave on the Pacific coast of the US and Canada in June 2021

    Towards the end of June 2021, temperature records were broken by several degrees Celsius in sever...

    Philip, S. Y. and Kew, S. F. and van Oldenborgh, G. J. and Anslow, F. S. and Seneviratne, S. I. and Vautard, R. and Coumou, D. and Ebi, K. L. and Arrighi, J. and Singh, R. and van Aalst, M. and Pereira Marghidan, C. and Wehner, M. and Yang, W. and Li, S. and Schumacher, D. L. and Hauser, M. and Bonnet, R. and Luu, L. N. and Lehner, F. and Gillett, N. and Tradowsky, J. S. and Vecchi, G. A. and Rodell, C. and Stull, R. B. and Howard, R. and Otto, F. E. L | Earth Syst. Dynam. | 2022 | 13
  20. Limited role of climate change in extreme low rainfall associated with southern Madagascar food insecurity, 2019-21

    Southern Madagascar recently experienced a severe food security crisis, made significantly worse ...

    Harrington, Luke James and Wolski, Piotr and Pinto, Izidine and Ramarosandratana, AnzelàMamiarisoa and Barimalala, Rondrotiana and Vautard, Robert and Philip, Sjoukje and Kew, Sarah and Singh, Roop and Heinrich, Dorothy and Arrighi, Julie and Raju, Emmanuel and Thalheimer, Lisa and Razanakoto, Thierry and van Aalst, Maarten and Li, Sihan and Bonnet, Rémy and Yang, Wenchang and Otto, Friederike E L and van Oldenborgh, Geert Jan | Environ. Res.: Climate | 2022
  21. Attributing and Projecting Heatwaves Is Hard: We Can Do Better

    It sounds straightforward. As the Earth warms due to the increased concentration of greenhouse ga...

    Geert Jan Van Oldenborgh, Michael F. Wehner, Robert Vautard, Friederike E. L. Otto, Sonia I. Seneviratne, Peter A. Stott, Gabriele C. Hegerl, Sjoukje Y. Philip, Sarah F. Kew | Earth's Future | 2022 | 10
  22. Observations from Personal Weather Stations—EUMETNET Interests and Experience

    The number of people owning a private weather station (PWS) and sharing their meteorological meas...

    Claudia Hahn, Irene Garcia-Marti, Jacqueline Sugier, Fiona Emsley, Anne-Lise Beaulant, Louise Oram, Eva Strandberg, Elisa Lindgren, Martyn Sunter, Franziska Ziska | MDPI CLimate | 2022 | 10
  23. Description and evaluation of the tropospheric aerosol scheme in the Integrated Forecasting System (IFS-AER, cycle 47R1) of ECMWF

    This article describes the Integrated Forecasting System aerosol scheme (IFS-AER) used operationa...

    Remy S., Kipling Z., Huijnen V., Flemming J., Nabat P., Michou M., Ades M., Engelen R., Peuch V.-H. | Geoscientific Model Development | 2022 | 15 (12)
  24. Regional evaluation of the performance of the global CAMS chemical modeling system over the United States (IFS cycle 47r1)

    The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) provides routine analyses and forecasts of tr...

    Williams J.E., Huijnen V., Bouarar I., Meziane M., Schreurs T., Pelletier S., Marécal V., Josse B., Flemming J. | Geoscientific Model Development | 2022 | 15 (12)
  25. Quantification of methane emissions from hotspots and during COVID-19 using a global atmospheric inversion

    Concentrations of atmospheric methane (CH4), the second most important greenhouse gas, continue t...

    McNorton J., Bousserez N., Agusti-Panareda A., Balsamo G., Cantarello L., Engelen R., Huijnen V., Inness A., Kipling Z., Parrington M., Ribas R. | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | 2022 | 22 (9)