Abstract Background Temperature increases in the context of climate change affect numerous ...
The simulated stratospheric dynamics have been improved compared to previous generations in many ...
2024 markeert de tiende verjaardag van de Nederlandse deelname aan WOW (Weather Observations Webs...
ATLID (ATmospheric LIDar) is the lidar flown on the multi-instrument Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radi...
The objective of the Earth Cloud, Aerosol, and Radiation Explorer (EarthCARE) mission is to infer...
During a 2023 Lorentz Workshop in Leiden, the Netherlands, a diverse community working in atmosp...
The three-day workshop was held in Toulouse (France) and brought together ocean reanalysis users...
In this study, we utilised ground-based in situ measurements of the aerosol chemical composition ...
Social protection can be a key policy tool for managing the socioeconomic impacts of climate chan...
Objective Associations between place and population health are of interest to researchers and ...
A novel atmospheric layer detection approach has been developed based on deep learning techniques...
Convection-permitting climate models (CPMs) are becoming increasingly used in climate change stud...
The increase in computational resources has enabled the emergence of multi-model ensembles of con...
Taking advantage of a large ensemble of Convection Permitting-Regional Climate Models on a pan-Al...
Extreme precipitation events lead to dramatic impacts on society and the situation will worsen un...
The next version of the polar Regional Atmospheric Climate Model (referred to as RACMO2.4p1) is p...
The Atmospheric LAser Doppler INstrument (ALADIN) on board Aeolus was the first high-spectral-res...
A new correction scheme named “noise regularization”, aiming at mitigating land contamination in ...
The Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) satellite operated by the European Space Agency has carried the TR...
The Atmospheric Laser Doppler Instrument (ALADIN) aboard Aeolus was the first spaceborne high-reso...
Tropical tropospheric ozone (TTO) is important for the global radiation budget because the longwa...