The Sentinel-5 Precursor (S5P) satellite operated by the European Space Agency has carried the TR...
This paper presents the third edition of The Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring...
Non-technical summary: We identify a set of essential recent advances in climate change research ...
The second Cabauw Intercomparison of Nitrogen Dioxide measuring Instruments (CINDI-2) took place ...
The ultraviolet (UV) Absorbing Aerosol Index (AAI) is widely used as an indicator for the presenc...
This overview paper highlights the successes of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on board th...
The second edition of the satellite-derived climate data record CLARA (The CM SAF Cloud, Albedo A...
Highly-resolved vertical profiles of ozone and reactive nitrogen in the lower troposphere were ob...
Producing a global and comprehensive description of atmospheric aerosols requires integration of ...
MOZAIC-IAGOS data are used to assess the ability of the MACC reanalysis (REAN) to reproduce distr...
This work is an extended evaluation of near-surface ozone as part of the global reanalysis of atm...
Traditional validation of atmospheric profiles is based on the intercomparison of two or more dat...
This paper evaluates and discusses the quality of the stratospheric ozone analyses delivered in n...
In 2013, the vast majority of the monitored climate variables reported here maintained trends est...
Despite the developments in the global modelling of chemistry and of the parameterization of the ...
Ocean winds have been observed in the Baltic, Irish and North Seas from a combination of ground-b...
The long-term evolution of stratospheric ozone at different stations in the low and mid-latitudes...
We present an analysis of the evolution of the smoke plume caused by the Black Saturday Bushfires...
This report is the executive summary of the ON TRAQ (Original and New TRopospheric composition an...