Heatwaves (HWs) are high-impact phenomena stressing both societies and ecosystems. Their intensit...
Angola has been characterized as one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change. Climate ch...
A primary sink of air pollutants and their precursors is dry deposition. Dry deposition estimates...
A large area including the central-northern part of Argentina, southern Bolivia, central Chile, a...
In July 2021 extreme rainfall across Western Europe caused severe flooding and substantial impact...
This work improves the characterization and knowledge of the surface wind climatology over Europe...
This study introduces a technique for four-dimensional pore pressure monitoring using passive ima...
This is the scientific report, which supports the Dutch ‘gebruikersrapport’ with more background ...
The interactions between aerosols and clouds are among the least understood climatic processes an...
Background The aetiology of ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV) and triggers of relapse are poorl...
A TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) validation campaign was held in the Nether- lands...
This work improves the characterization and knowledge of the surface wind climatology over Europe...
Towards the end of June 2021, temperature records were broken by several degrees Celsius in sever...
It sounds straightforward. As the Earth warms due to the increased concentration of greenhouse ga...
In the immediate aftermath of an extreme weather or climate-related event, the question is invari...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the ability of the Sentinel-5P TROPOspheric Monitorin...
Botswana is a country with relatively low seismic activity that experienced an unexpected Mw 6.5 ...
Lightning, one of the major sources of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the atmosphere, contributes to th...
Sea level rise (SLR) will increase adaptation needs along low-lying coasts worldwide. Despite cen...
In de Motie voorgesteld op 11 maart 2020 (Kamerstuk kst-33529-733) wordt verzocht om een fijnmazi...
The second Cabauw Intercomparison of Nitrogen Dioxide measuring Instruments (CINDI-2) took place ...
Ozone in the troposphere affects humans and ecosystems as a pollutant and as a greenhouse gas. Ob...
The evaluation of chemical transport models, CTMs, is essential for the assessment of their perfo...
Sentinel-5 Precursor (S-5P), launched in October 2017, carrying the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instr...
We compare the performance of five different regional climate models (RCMs) (COSMO-CLM2, HIRHAM5,...