Publication database KNMI

The publication database contains the (co-)authored publications in scientific journals, KNMI reports and other publications

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  1. Ocean Mesoscale and Frontal-Scale Ocean–Atmosphere Interactions and Influence on Large-Scale Climate: A Review

    Two decades of high-resolution satellite observations and climate modeling studies have indicated...

    Hyodae Seo, Larry W. O’Neill, Mark A. Bourassa, Arnaud Czaja, Kyla Drushka, James B. Edson, Baylor Fox-Kemper, Ivy Frenger, Sarah T. Gille , Benjamin P. Kirtman , Shoshiro Minobe , Angeline G. Pendergrass , Lionel Renault , Malcolm J. Roberts , Niklas Schneider , R. Justin Small, Ad Stoffelen, and Qing Wang | Journal of Climate | 2023 | 36
  2. Nitrogen oxides in the free troposphere: implications for tropospheric oxidants and the interpretation of satellite NO2 measurements

    Satellite-based retrievals of tropospheric NO2 columns are widely used to infer NOx (≡ NO + NO2) ...

    Shah, V., Jacob, D. J., Dang, R., Lamsal, L. N., Strode, S. A., Steenrod, S. D., Boersma, K. F., Eastham, S. D., Fritz, T. M., Thompson, C., Peischl, J., Bourgeois, I., Pollack, I. B., Nault, B. A., Cohen, R. C., Campuzano-Jost, P., Jimenez, J. L., Andersen, S. T., Carpenter, L. J., Sherwen, T., and Evans, M. J. | Atmos Chem Phys | 2023 | 23
  3. Who should measure air quality in modern cities? The example of decentralization of urban air quality monitoring in Krasnoyarsk (Siberia, Russia)

    Researchers have warned that the paradigm about who should measure air quality (AQ) in cities can...

    L. D. Labzovskii, J. D. Vande Hey, A. A. Romanov, P. Golovatina-Mora, D. Belikov, A. Lashkari, S. Takele Kenea, E. Hekman. Environmental Science and Policy | Environmental Science and Policy | 2023
  4. Forecasting day-ahead 1-minute irradiance variability from numerical weather predictions

    Accurate forecasts of solar irradiance are required for the large-scale integration of solar phot...

    Frank P.M. Kreuwel, Wouter Knap, Maurice Schmeits, Jordi Vilà-Guerau de Arellano, Chiel C. van Heerwaarden | Solar Energy | 2023 | 258
  5. S-5P/TROPOMI-Derived NOx Emissions From Copper/Cobalt Mining and Other Industrial Activities in the Copperbelt (Democratic Republic of Congo and Zambia)


    S. Martínez-Alonso, J. P. Veefkind, B. Dix, B. Gaubert, N. Theys, C. Granier, A. Soulié, S. Darras, H. Eskes, W. Tang, H. Worden, J. de Gouw, P. F. Levelt | Geophysical Research Letters | 2023
  6. Investigating the representation of heatwaves from an ensemble of km‐scale regional climate simulations within CORDEX‐FPS convection

    Heatwaves (HWs) are high-impact phenomena stressing both societies and ecosystems. Their intensit...

    L. Sangelantoni, S. Sobolowski, T. Lorenz, Ø. Hodnebrog, R. M. Cardoso, P. M. M. Soares, R. Ferretti, A. Lavín‐Gullón., J. Fernandez, K. Goergen, J. Milovac, E. Katragkou, S. Kartsios, E. Coppola, E. Pichelli, M. Adinolfi, P. Mercogliano, S. Berthou, H. de Vries, A. Dobler, D. Belušić, H. Feldmann, M. H. Tölle, S. Bastin | Climate Dynamics | 2023
  7. Climate change projections from a multi-model ensemble of CORDEX and CMIPs over Angola

    Angola has been characterized as one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change. Climate ch...

    Pinto, I., de Perez, E.C., Jaime, C., Wolski, P., van Aardenne, L., Jjemba, E., Suidman, J., Serrat-Capdevila, A. and Tall, A. | Environmental Research: Climate | 2023 | 2
  8. Widespread frequent methane emissions from the oil and gas industry in the Permian basin


    Veefkind, J. P., Serrano-Calvo, R., de Gouw, J., Dix, B., Schneising, O., Buchwitz, M., Barré, J., van der A, R.J., Liu, M., Levelt, P.F. | Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres | 2023 | 128
  9. Assimilation of POLDER observations to estimate aerosol emissions

    We apply a local ensemble transform Kalman smoother (LETKS) in combination with the global aeroso...

    Athanasios Tsikerdekis, Otto P. Hasekamp, Nick A. J. Schutgens, and Qirui Zhong | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | 2023 | 23
  10. A single-point modeling approach for the intercomparison and evaluation of ozone dry deposition across chemical transport models (Activity 2 of AQMEII4)

    A primary sink of air pollutants and their precursors is dry deposition. Dry deposition estimates...

    Clifton, O. E., Schwede, D., Hogrefe, C., Bash, J. O., Bland, S., Cheung, P., Coyle, M., Emberson, L., Flemming, J., Fredj, E., Galmarini, S., Ganzeveld, L., Gazetas, O., Goded, I., Holmes, C. D., Horváth, L., Huijnen, V., Li, Q., Makar, P. A., Mammarella, I., Manca, G., Munger, J. W., Pérez-Camanyo, J. L., Pleim, J., Ran, L., San Jose, R., Silva, S. J., Staebler, R., Sun, S., Tai, A. P. K., Tas, E., Vesala, T., Weidinger, T., Wu, Z., and Zhang, L. | Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics | 2023 | 23
  11. An intercomparison of EarthCARE cloud, aerosol and precipitation retrieval products

    The mission of the Earth cloud, aerosol and radiation explorer (EarthCARE) mission to observe clo...

    Mason, S. L., Cole, J. N. S., Docter, N., Donovan, D. P., Hogan, R. J., Hünerbein, A., Kollias, P., Puigdomènech Treserras, B., Qu, Z., Wandinger, U., and van Zadelhoff, G.-J | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2023 | 16
  12. High sensitivity of Aeolus UV surface returns to surface reflectivity

    Global ultraviolet (UV) surface reflectivity climatologies are all composed from daylight passive...

    L. D. Labzovskii, G. J. van Zadelhoff, L. G. Tilstra, J. de Kloe, D. P. Donovan & A. Stoffelen | Nature scientific reports | 2023 | 13
  13. The classification of atmospheric hydrometeors and aerosols from the EarthCARE radar and lidar: the A-TC, C-TC and AC-TC products

    The EarthCARE mission aims to probe the Earth's atmosphere by measuring cloud and aerosol profile...

    Irbah, A., Delanoë, J., van Zadelhoff, G.-J., Donovan, D. P., Kollias, P., Puigdomènech Treserras, B., Mason, S., Hogan, R. J., and Tatarevic, A | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2023 | 16
  14. Detection of aerosol and cloud features for the EarthCARE atmospheric lidar (ATLID): the ATLID FeatureMask (A-FM) product

    The EarthCARE satellite mission's objective is to retrieve profiles of aerosol and cloud physical...

    Gerd-Jan van Zadelhoff; David P. Donovan; Ping Wang | Atmospheric Measurement Techniques | 2023 | 16
  15. Aerosol shortwave radiative heating and cooling by the 2023 and 2017 Chilean wildfire smoke plumes

    The aerosol shortwave, direct radiative effects of smoke plumes from Chilean wildfires in 2017 an...

    M. de Graaf, L. G. Tilstra, P. Stammes | Geophysical Research Letters | 2023 | 50
  16. Microgravity as a tool for eruption forecasting

    Detection of gravity change over time has been used to better understand magmatic activity at vol...

    Elske de Zeeuw - van Dalfsen, Michael P. Poland | Journal of Volcanology and geothermal research | 2023 | 442
  17. PGV levels and location uncertainty for the Ekehaar 29-10-2023 event

    The Ekehaar event on 29-10-2023:03:11:33.2 with a local magnitude of 2.20 was detected by the KNM...

    E. Ruigrok, J. Spetzler, P. Kruiver and L. Evers | --2023 | pp9
  18. PGV levels and location uncertainty for the Winde events in August 2023

    In August, 2023, two events occurred in the village of Winde in Drenthe; the first earthquake at ...

    E. Ruigrok, P. Kruiver | --2023 | pp8
  19. PGV levels and location uncertainty for the Hooghalen 01-10-2023 event

    The Hooghalen event on 01-10-2023:19:55:06.29 with a local magnitude of 1.89 was detected by the ...

    E. Ruigrok, P. Kruiver | --2023 | pp6
  20. KNMI National Climate Scenarios 2023 for the Netherlands

    This is the scientific report, which supports the Dutch ‘gebruikersrapport’ with more background ...

    R. van Dorland, J. Beersma, J. Bessembinder, N. Bloemendaal, H. van den Brink, M. Brotons Blanes, S. Drijfhout, R. Haarsma, I. Keizer, F. Krikken D. Le Bars, G. Lenderink, E. van Meijgaard, J. F. Meirink, T. Reerink, F. Selten, C. Severijns, P. Siegmund, A. Sterl, B. Overbeek, H. de Vries, B. Wichers Schreur, K. van der Wiel | --2023 | pp365
  21. Construction of earthquake location uncertainty maps for the Netherlands

    A large part of the Netherlands is covered by a thick blanket of unconsolidated sediments. In the...

    E. Ruigrok, P. Kruiver, B. Dost | --2023 | pp158
  22. Aerosol first indirect effect of African smoke at the cloud base of marine cumulus clouds over Ascension Island, southern Atlantic Ocean

    The interactions between aerosols and clouds are among the least understood climatic processes an...

    M. de Graaf, K. Sarna, J. Brown, E. V. Tenner, M. Schenkels and D. P. Donovan | ACP | 2023 | 23
  23. DARCLOS: a cloud shadow detection algorithm for TROPOMI

    Cloud shadows are observed by the TROPOMI satellite instrument as a result of its high spatial re...

    Victor J. H. Trees, Ping Wang, Piet Stammes, Lieuwe G. Tilstra, David P. Donovan, and A. Pier Siebesma | AMT | 2022 | 15
  24. Epicenters for the Lauwerzijl and Kommerzijl events on 17-11-2022

    On 17-11-2022 two events occurred within one hour. The first event is the Lauwerzijl event at 11:...

    E. Ruigrok, P. Kruiver | --2022 | pp6
  25. The Worldwide C3S CORDEX Grand Ensemble: A Major Contribution to Assess Regional Climate Change in the IPCC AR6 Atlas

    The collaboration between the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) and t...

    Javier Diez-Sierra, Maialen Iturbide, José M. Gutiérrez, Jesús Fernández, Josipa Milovac, Antonio S. Cofiño, Ezequiel Cimadevilla, Grigory Nikulin, Guillaume Levavasseur, Erik Kjellström, Katharina Bülow, András Horányi, Anca Brookshaw, Markel García-Díez, Antonio Pérez, Jorge Baño-Medina, Bodo Ahrens, Antoinette Alias, Moetasim Ashfaq, Melissa Bukovsky, Erasmo Buonomo, Steven Caluwaerts, Sin Chan Chou, Ole B. Christensen, James M. Ciarlò, Erika Coppola, Lola Corre, Marie-Estelle Demory, Vladimir Djurdjevic, Jason P. Evans, Rowan Fealy, Hendrik Feldmann, Daniela Jacob, Sanjay Jayanarayanan, Jack Katzfey, Klaus Keuler, Christoph Kittel, Mehmet Levent Kurnaz, René Laprise, Piero Lionello, Seth McGinnis, Paola Mercogliano, Pierre Nabat, Barış Önol, Tugba Ozturk, Hans-Jürgen Panitz, Dominique Paquin, Ildikó Pieczka, Francesca Raffaele, Armelle Reca Remedio, John Scinocca, Florence Sevault, Samuel Somot, Christian Steger, Fredolin Tangang, Claas Teichmann, Piet Termonia, Marcus Thatcher, Csaba Torma, Erik van Meijgaard, Robert Vautard, Kirsten Warrach-Sagi, Katja Winger, and George Zittis | BAMS | 2022 | 103