This study investigates the potential of using OpenStreetMap (OSM) data to understand exposure an...
Severe floods and landslides in Eastern Northeast Brazil in May 2022 led to severe impacts with h...
A sufficient freshwater supply is vital for humans, ecosystems, and economies, but anticipated cl...
As a direct consequence of extreme monsoon rainfall throughout the summer 2022 season Pakistan ex...
In March 2022, large parts over the north Indian plains including the breadbasket region, and sou...
A large area including the central-northern part of Argentina, southern Bolivia, central Chile, a...
There is a growing need for more systematic, robust, and comprehensive information on the value-a...
Southern Madagascar recently experienced a severe food security crisis, made significantly worse ...
We model the sea foam emissivity at frequencies from 1 to 89 GHz. This model is part of the work ...
This paper analyzes the ensemble of regional climate model (RCM) projections for Europe completed...
The use of regional climate model (RCM)-based projections for providing regional climate informat...
Het Klimaatsignaal’21 is gebaseerd op de grote hoeveelheid kennis over klimaatverandering die in ...
Knowing the ice thickness distribution of a glacier is of fundamental importance for a number of ...
Sixteen members of an International Space Science Institute team—from America, Asia, and Europe a...
The Argo Program has been implemented and sustained for almost two decades, as a global array of ...